What Can You Do?

Learn How To Travel Sustainably and Responsibly

Travel Sustainably

While travel can be deeply meaningful and educational, it can also have devastating effects on local people and land in highly-touristed areas. As a traveler, you have the opportunity to choose to be more eco-friendly when you enter someone else's village, town, city, or country. 

1. Zero-Waste Travel Kit

Have you ever thought about how much waste a tourist generates in a day? Think about plastic water bottles, plastic bags, straws, plastic cups, prepackaged food, napkins, and more. Highly-touristed areas often become overwhelmed with tourist-produced waste, which can create pollution in these areas. Create a small travel kit to reduce your single-use plastic consumption:

  • Reusable water bottle (and maybe even a water filter — we recommend the Katadyn BeFree or the Water-to-Go filters, but there are plenty of great options there)
  • Reusable utensils (we recommend a spork or chopsticks)
  • Reusable napkin cloth (any cloth or rag will do and you can wash it in any bathroom sink)
  • Reusable straw (get a big one if you like boba!) 
  • A tupperware box for snacks so you can avoid prepackaged foods

 2. Eco-Friendly Transportation

3. Travel Slow